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Isis Rising: Curse of the Lady Mummy (2013)

Priya RaiJames BartholetMichael C. AlvarezWilliam 'Bill' Connor
Lisa Palenica


Isis Rising: Curse of the Lady Mummy (2013) is a English movie. Lisa Palenica has directed this movie. Priya Rai,James Bartholet,Michael C. Alvarez,William 'Bill' Connor are the starring of this movie. It was released in 2013. Isis Rising: Curse of the Lady Mummy (2013) is considered one of the best Horror movie in India and around the world.

In ancient Egypt, Isis and Osiris ruled the land. All were happy for the couple except one, Set, a jealous man who killed Osiris in order to take over his kingdom. Isis snuck into Osiris' tomb and tried to raise him from the dead using her black magic. Set caught Isis in the act and had Osiris cut to pieces, with each piece buried in a different part of the land, so Isis could never again raise her husband. Isis vowed to avenge Osiris' death and return with him to rule over all the worlds. Now, six college students Kyle, Dustin, Felicia, Jay, Serena and Amy take their last course in archeology in anticipation for graduation. Their last assignment is to uncover and document the museum's new acquisitions with their teacher, Professor Shields and world-renowned Egyptologist Dr. Nasir. During the night they haphazardly awaken the ancient spirit of Isis' lost soul and her wrath is unleashed on the group. As students start to disappear one by one, they must band together to stop Isis from ...

Isis Rising: Curse of the Lady Mummy (2013) Reviews

  • Don't believe the score on here.


    22 votes and a 6.3 - Most of which I'm guessing are connected to the films production in some way. The acting is of the worst I have ever seen in a supposed horror film, the story is OK but is so poorly executed and boring that it's hard to stay interested in what's going on. I found myself pottering about and doing other things while it was playing because I was so utterly bored. The effects (What few there are), would make the Asylum blush in embarrassment. This is a terrible, zero budget and completely boring film with absolutely no redeeming features. The acting, camera work, music, direction and SFX are bottom of the barrel stuff. Avoid at all costs. 1/10

  • To call it a "Movie" is an insult to actual movies, good AND bad.


    This Movie has absolutely ONE THING going for it: Priya Rai. The acting in this movie is terrible: no skill or craft at all. Troma Films have better actors than this drivel. The ONLY exception is Priya Rai. For those of you who might recognize that name, she used to be a adult film star, and recently retired from porn to do more non-adult films - SHE made more of an effort than anyone in the film to act and didn't look too cheesy doing so in the process. Since this is her first non-adult film, I'll go easy on her, and it's the only reason I give this movie a 1-star - that star is for her. Even great actors started from the bottom. Beyond that: there is nothing else going for this film. There is no need to give you any spoiler warnings, because the bad acting, bad "Sound effects", poor lighting, and abysmal "Special Effects" completely make you lose interest in the entire film. Watch the film to see Priya Rai in a very tight "outfit" for a "mummy", and as soon as you do, return the movie back to the video store, and ask for your money back.

  • Talk about disappointment!


    Ms. Rai appears on screen for less than 10 minutes, there isn't even any real nudity! In the first scene her brazier is painted on, but that's as close as it gets. There's some relatively good looking women, but they are not interesting characters nor do they "keep it interesting" in other ways. Don't even fast forward through this one looking for the good part, because there isn't one. The crappy, "serious acting" Sasha Grey vehicles were better than this. Ms. Rai could have a very lucrative career as an executive in the field that made her wealthy and famous. Why she feels the need to release something like that that no one is particularly interested in and that makes her look worse than she than she did in her previous career, as she was quite well suited for and talented at it, is beyond me.

  • Isis Rising Curse of the Lady Mummy: Painful viewing


    With a title that includes Lady Mummy you knew this wasn't going to be award winning stuff and that assumption is somewhat of an understatement. With a porn star antagonist, a cast with such little talent it feels like you're watching a 3rd grade nativity play and sfx done by monkeys there really isn't much going on here in Isis Rising. Considering the titular character is a porn star the movie doesn't even have anything in the way of T&A which was surprising. Cringe inducing "Horror" at it's worst, no consistency, poorly made and with no redeeming features. The Good: I'll get back to you on that one The Bad: The acting, especially Priya Rai The awful sfx

  • For a mummy movie, it was frightfully devoid of mummies...


    Wow. Just wow. This movie was awful in every aspect possible. So where to start? Well, lets just start with the storyline. "Isis Rising: Curse of the Lady Mummy" is about an ancient mummy brought to life, the mummy of Isis, a wicked sorceress of the black arts. A group of young students, led by their professor and a historian of ancient Egyptian lore is spending a night in a museum to study a recent donation of Egyptian artifacts that have been donated to the museum. In their reckless stupor, the young teens accidentally awakens Isis from her cursed slumber. There are so many plot holes and errors to this movie that it is just gruesome to behold. For starters, why would a group of college student be granted unsupervised access to priceless Egyptian artifacts in relations to their studies? And one thing that irritated me beyond mortal comprehension was why would Isis's spells be written in perfect English and why did she herself speak perfect English? She was from ancient Egypt for the love of all that is unholy. And while we are on the topic of spells, that book of spells that she wrote was in mint condition and perfectly bound like a proper library book! It was just so epically lame. Then lets move on to the acting, or what was meant to resemble acting. It was amazing how an entire cast of actors and actresses could muster such a wooden performance individually and together in unison. It was hard to buy into, because it was as if the actors and actresses themselves didn't even buy into the movie. The CGI effects were so poor that even SyFy Channel and The Asylum would have a field day with them. And the sets looked like they were made in the local high school as part of a wood shop project. And it really made the movie become even harder to take serious and buy into. Lets stop for awhile and look at the title, "Isis Rising: Curse of the Lady Mummy". Isis Rising? Well, that part I can understand, but Curse of the Lady Mummy, that part doesn't sit well with me. First of all, she wasn't mummified, she was just entombed in a sarcophagus without the proper ritual of mummification, so she is NOT a mummy! "Isis Rising: Curse of the Lady Mummy" is a shameful insult to just about every mummy movie ever made, and it is a wonder that I made it through to the end. I guess it was a bizarre lust to see just what epic fail thing would turn up next on the screen that kept me glued to the seat, because it sure wasn't the story, the acting, the effects, or anything else for that matter.

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